Part 20
Plant Chapter, Something Witty This Way Comes--- GO GO GO "I was just wondering if he had stairs in his house." D-D-Did I stutter? You might wanna deny that there moustache, buddy. Then why didn't they just cap him or something? Hmm... And he was almost certaintly doing a good job, too. Actually, he told me everything I needed to know, so...thanks! Them again! Suddenly, the burrito Ames had earlier starts to catch up with him. He has a heart attack... And unfortunately... ...he doesn't explode. The...A-Team? Shotkill McGunmanstein gets a little overzealous. Oh yeah? Well - DEUS EX MACHINA OUT OF FUCKING NOWHERE Ninja Olga tries to lop of Ocelots hand in a fit of nostalgia. Bullets are no match for my sword flailing skills! Some of the stray bullets kill a hostage. The only scene in the game that left me a tad unerved. THINK MATRIXY THOUGHTS THINK MATRIXY THOUGHTS Good luck and all that jazz *yoink* Gettin' the fuck outta here. Had to do some cleaning up. Actually, I could have just run out, but I like violence. BULLETS IN YO FACE (sternum, actually) Let's get outta here. "Uh, he tripped!" Oh hey, they fixed this bridge! HOLY HELL NO THEY DIDN'T Got spotted by a Cypher, so I ran into the warehouse. Gotta pick up some more hardware anyway. Grabbed a sniper rifle, ammo, and a grenade launcher!
Now, time to go rescue the president.
Will some bad shit go down? Yes. (I didn't really try on that one )